We are excited to offer our Comprehensive ADHD Evaluations remotely throughout the states of California, Florida, and Hawaii. You must have access to a computer to be able to complete the evaluation remotely.
Remote ADHD Testing Instructions
Our remote evaluations are the same as our in-office evaluations, except that they are done through a video conferencing platform. The evaluation consists of the following components:
- Schedule your “ADHD Evaluation” appointment online.
- Look for the email from "[email protected]" for access to the secure patient portal to complete forms.
- Individuals complete the packet of forms prior to the evaluation and upload them to the secure patient portal.
- On the day of the evaluation, you will take a continuous performance test (CPT) to assess your auditory and visual attention and processing. This will be done on your computer but we will be doing it together during the evaluation.
- Following the CPT, we will discuss your history, past and current challenges, and the symptoms you have been experiencing.
- Within approximately 2 weeks (10 days for modified adult evaluations) you will receive your completed report by email.
- Once you receive your evaluation report, you will schedule an “ADHD Follow up appointment” online. For all evaluations except modified adult evaluations, a follow-up session is included to discuss the results and recommendations of the evaluation. For modified adult evaluations a follow-up appointment is optional.
- Chromebook platform does not support the testing; You may use a laptop or desktop, PC or Mac platforms are compatible.
- Only the Chrome web browser can be used. It can be installed for free on either Windows or Mac PCs. PLEASE UPDATE THE LATEST VERSION OF CHROME BEFORE YOUR EVALUATION.
- If using a laptop, you must use a wired or wireless mouse. It is important that you NOT use a laptop touchpad as a test input device.
- You may use internal speakers, external speakers or headphones.
- Complete the correct forms in your patient portal or download the packet of forms on the ADHD Website.
- Upload the forms to the secure patient portal at least 24 hours prior to your evaluation.
- Look for the email containing the link for your video appointment from SimplePractice and flag it for easy access for your appointment.
- Write down your remote code and password from your email.
- Be sure you have a mouse if you are using a laptop, no track pad can be used.
- Disable your Screensaver.
- Disable your Virus Scan.
- Put “do not disturb” mode on any email/text notifications that come on your computer.
- Use the restroom if needed.
- Place the “Testing-Do Not Disturb” sign on your door. Inform others in your house that you will be testing for approximately 1 hour.
- Be sure any pets are outside the room and supervised so they do not disturb you.
- Close all programs.
- Adjust your screen so your mouse and hand can be fully visible (most important for children, less so for adults).
- Have your access code and user information in front of you.
- Parents must enter the code.
- Sit behind your child, behind and out of sight throughout the testing. Please do not sit too close to them.
- Please do not make any noise, silence your cell phone including vibrations.
- Please do not speak to them, answer questions, or coach them in any way.
- Please do not correct off task behavior, or incorrect responses, as this is important information for the examiner.
- Please do not tell them to pay attention or focus! That is exactly why you are seeking this evaluation. We want them to act as they normally would.